sébe (yíseb/ľisbέ)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to transfer one’s family temporarily to another place
временно переместить свою семью в другое место
نقل أسرته للجلوس في مكان آخر مؤقتاً
LS 280; CSOL I 641; Bulakh et al. 2021:283 with fn. 100; Bulakh 2024:213
text examples

a. óḳidk díˀʸho ḳayd eḥóre men šánḳahaḷ kor éseb ‘I wound up a rope and went to look for the donkey so I could take my family to another place’ (CSOL I 25:27)

b. sóbik díˀʸho embóryeʰ be-siyára tóˀo téte madáres ‘When the school year ended, I had to take my children out to the country by car’ (CSOL I 26:80)

morphological notes

Incorrectly reconstructed as sóbi ‘to take away, to seize by force’ in LS 280 on the basis of the first person singular form sóbik. (CSOL I 25:27 with fn. 9)

  • sᵉbe to transfer one’s family to another place
  • sotébe to be transferred, to be pulled, dragged along

Leslau compares this word with the PCS root *šby ‘to take captive’ (LS 280). The Soqotri verb actually means ‘to transfer one’s family temporarily to another place,’ and the semantic link with “to take captive” is at best tenuous. Cf. rather Sab. s₁bˀ ‘to carry out a journey’ (SD 122)? (Kogan 2015:219 with fn. 659).

Mehri sebū ‘to capture’ is likely an Arabism.