المعجم السقطري
ŝke, ŝkɛ (yeŝóki/ľóŝik)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
bö́ḳaḷk di-ḥágher diˀáḷ eˀḷhíten eŝóki ‘I went up to Hagher to the cows under my care’ (CSOL I 20:2)
االشتياق اللغوي
For a detailed etymological discussion of the Soqotri verb see Naumkin et al. 2022:279, where it is identified with PWS *ŝky ‘to look’. Brockelmann (LSyr. 473) further connects Arb. škw ‘to complain’, which he renders as ‘questus est auxilium exspectans’.