ḥéyyom (yáḥyem or yáḥyom/ľaḥyέm or ľaḥyóm)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to be ugly
быть уродливым
كان بشعاً
LS 172; Naumkin et al. 2016a:52
text examples

ˁážeʰ ˁigέboʰ taˁmέr ˁaḷhέten wa-ŝeróḥoʰ ˁaḷhέten ľheʰ iľ-ber wa-tóˀo gedóḥoʰ éḳdomk ˁes tóˀo kɔn mɛs ḥe ˁádho ˁámok hes ken ḥer ḥéyom mɛš ḥe ‘A woman wanted to make (new) teeth and she had her old teeth pulled out. When she came (to visit me), I saw that her mouth was teethless. I told her: “Indeed, today your mouth is ugly”’ (field notes)
