Soqotri Lexicon
ḥárif (yeḥarífin/ľiḥárɛf)
basic morphological information
v. (II)
to speak in oblique language
говорить намеками
تحدّث بلغة مائلة
LS 191; Naumkin et al. 2019b:78
говорить намеками
تحدّث بلغة مائلة
text examples
a. ʸheʰ ḥárif e-díˀʸheʰ dédoʰ ber embóryeʰ ľítaˁ ‘He informed his uncle in oblique language that the children had been killed’ (Naumkin et al. 2019b:78)
semantic notes
‘To speak to somebody (e-) in oblique language’: a.
other notes
(be-)di-ḥarf ‘(in) oblique language, metaphorically’:
wa-dέnˁaʰ mέtaḷ di-ḥarf tóˀo ˁámok heʸh ḷóˁom díˀɛʰ óˀoz fuľánaʰ ‘And this speech, when I told him: “Give such and such a goat of yours its kid!”, was in oblique language’ (Naumkin et al. 2019a:74)