Soqotri Lexicon
ḥef (yáḥfef/ľaḥfέf)
basic morphological information
v. (Ia)
to carry in one’s arms
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Kogan 2020:15; Naumkin–Kogan 2021 :530; CSOL III
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text examples
mébrehe keʰ kéyhɛn wa-ˀaḷ-yóˁod yeḥóufof wa-ṭaʰ ˁífif yeḥóufof wa-ṭaʰ di-góˁor ‘When a child is small and cannot walk, one carries it in one’s arms. And also a goat kid, and also a sick person’ (Kogan 2020:530)
morphological notes
pass. ḥⁱfɛf (yeḥóufof/ľiḥfóf)