basic morphological information

n. (f.)

a kind of fish
вид рыбы
نوع من السمك
Naumkin et al. 2015a:70
text examples

ḥídhεr be-ẓ̂írob aḷ-gέḷe wa-ṭeʸh men ʸhᴐm aḷ-eṭḳóˁoʰ ḥídhɛr did not appear because of the cold and did not look up one day’ (Naumkin et al. 2015a 145a:5-6)

morphological notes

dim. ḥederénoʰ:

ḥídhεr ḥídhεr ḥederénoʰ wa-ⁱnεm šeṭáľimš i ľíľin ‘ḥídhɛr ḥídhɛr little ḥídhɛr, what was your dinner last night?’ (Naumkin et al. 2015a 145a:1-2)
