a. ˁážeʰ egdóḥoʰ hedíyeʰ díˀseʰ ḳáḳaʰ siyáraʰ wa-ho aḷ-ˀégzɛyk heʸh siyáraʰ ‘My wife gave her brother a car as a present, even though I wasn’t happy about it’ (CSOL I 7:11)
b. ródi deʰ di-yezáˁa di-ˀέˀɛfo wa-ʸheʰ aḷ-ṭʸaf ˁeʸh wa-ˀaḷ-ˀegzö́we ‘A thief is one who takes what belongs to others, that which is not given to him and that which is dear to its owners’ (CSOL III 8:13)
a. aḷ-ˀégzɛyk ˁáľi ˁabdáḷḷaʰ ṣáľeḥ ľiṣmέ ‘I wouldn’t want president Ali Abdalla Salih to die’ (CSOL I 7:11)
b. έˀɛfo fɔ́ne ḷaḷ téken ẓ̂ayέfɛʰ yeḳóṣeb e-keľán wa-díˀʸheʰ ˁážeʰ kaḷ ṭádhen ḥŝeʸh ḥaʰ di-yeḳáṣab be-daráhɛm wa-ḥaʰ di-yeḳáṣab be-šfɔ́niŝ wa-ḥaʰ di-yeḳáṣab be-témreʰ wa-bíľeʰ di-ˀegzö́we ‘In times of old, when there was a wedding, people would bring gifts to the bride and the groom. Everyone would bring something of his own: one would give money, and another would give livestock, and someone would give palm-trees or any other thing he could afford’ (CSOL III 16:92)
pass. egzéwe or egzö́we (góuzɛ/ľigzó): examples 1b, 2b.
Mostly used in negative forms ‘not to be ready to part with’, ‘not to want’.