géḷom (yegóḷem/ľigḷέm)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to pluck, to pick out from the tree (fruits)
срывать (плоды)
LS 109; Naumkin et al. 2014b:53
text examples

a. ʸhónik ṭamáṭ ˁaf yaˁáḳar fö́ẓ̂aḥ faḳḥ wa-faḳḥ ˁad wa-gö́ḷomk ľheʰ iľ-fö́ẓ̂aḥ kor eŝóˀom ‘I planted tomatoes, and it grew. Some of them were already ripe, but some of them not. I plucked those which were ripe in order to sell them’ (field notes)

b. égaḥk ẓ̂áˀed wa-gö́ḷomk žírhɛm ľheʰ iľ-fö́ẓ̂aḥ ‘I climbed a Ziziphus spina-christi tree and plucked those fruits which were ripe’ (field notes)

c. ḷaḷ yefáẓ̂aḥ ṭamáṭ yegóuḷom wa-ṭaʰ bésbes ḷaḷ yaˁáḳar yegóuḷom  kor yeŝóuˀom wa-ṭaʰ ḷaḷ yenáḳof men zaytunát di-fö́ẓ̂aḥ yeˁámer gö́ḷomk zaytunát ‘When tomatoes ripen they have to be harvested, and also the green pepper, when it grows, has to be harvested to be sold. Also, when one plucks ripe guavas, one says: “I have plucked guavas”’ (field notes)
