gotéˀer (yegtóˀor/ľigtέˀɛr)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (VIII)

to be destroyed
быть разрушенным
CSOL I 540; CSOL II 461; LS 113
текстовые примеры

a. wa-ḷaṭ yeḥeḷésen ˁes ˁan áˀḥḷo máḥľes ˁan ḥéľhe kor aḷ-tegtέˀɛr máḥľes deʰ ḳéyhɛn ‘Then the holes would be plugged with little stones so that the wall would not collapse — with those little stones.’ (CSOL II 27:30)

b. wa-be-ľéľhe gédaḥ dέgen wa-góˀor bestán wa-hímaˁk ö́bhon di-gotéˀer ‘One night the other person came and destroyed the fence, and I heard stones falling (lit. stones which were destroyed).’ (CSOL I 540)
