Soqotri Lexicon
éḳšaˁ (yeḳášaˁ/ľáḳšaˁ)
basic morphological information
v. (IV)
to raise one’s tail (a camel, a cow, etc.)
поднимать хвост (о верблюде, о корове и т.д.)
رفع ذيله (جمل، بقرة)
Bulakh et al. 2021:251
поднимать хвост (о верблюде, о корове и т.д.)
رفع ذيله (جمل، بقرة)
text examples
a. šérḳeḥ édbehor wa-ṭéreb ḷe-ˀeˀḷhíten wa-tóˀo hémeˁ eˀḷhíten méʸhen ˁárho éḳšeˁ be-dónib wa-yeṣṭeféḳen ‘The bees went out (of their shelter) and came down to the cows. When the cows heard their noise, they raised their tails and began to wave them’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:251)
semantic notes
‘To raise one’s tail (be-)’ (a)