المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (f.)

seasonal transhumance to lower areas
сезонная перекочевка в более низкие районы
ترحُّل من المرتفعات إلى المنخفضات
LS 151; CSOL I 697
الأمثلة النصية

ḷaḷ teḷósi šin dóte nezóhor men ḥágher di-ˀegέḷes wa-di-ˀékdo wa-ṭaʰ ḷaḷ teḷósi ṣéreb wa-ḷaḷ yégtfor dóte néreḳ yáˁni énneʰ be-sánaʰ merḳíyoʰ trɔ ˁabḷíṭi wa-mezhíroʰ be-sánaʰ trɔ ˁabḷíṭi ‘When in the season of dote (April-May-June) there is rain in our land, we transhume from Hagher to flat plateaus and to plateaus with small elevations on them. The same happens when there is rain in the season of ṣereb (October-November-December). And when there is a shortage of forage in dote, we transhume to upper areas. That is, the migration from lower areas to upper areas is twice a year, and the migration from upper areas to lower areas is twice a year.’ (field notes) 

  • zóhor to bring animals down from mountains, to go down from the mountains to the plain, to transhume downwards