záḥaḳ (yezáḥaḳ/ľizḥáḳ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (I)

to touch accidentally
لمس بالمصادفة
Naumkin et al. 2014b:51, 67
الأمثلة النصية

egˁáľiľ máˁabher men ṭíyoʰ wa-ˀébraḥ id-gáḥi... ˁémer ŝínkɛk hek áḷḷaʰ tóˀo ṭánˀeʰ kɔn aḷ-záḥaḳ ˁin díˀḥan ḳénho ‘A boulder rolled down the precipice and landed into the wadi... (People) said: “Thank God that it was like this, it did not touch our livestock.”’ (field notes)  

الملاحظات الصرفية

Etymologically obscure. Any connection to Yemeni Arabic zaḥaq ‘mahlen; zerreiben’, Gez. zaḥaḳa ‘to peel off, to decorticate’?
