ẓ̂eb (yéẓ̂beb/ľiẓ̂bέb)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (Ia)

to roast
Naumkin et al. 2016a:56; LS 359
текстовые примеры

tɛʰ tóˀo ľiḳdór wa-kíˀi men tíyyeʰ yeŝóukok di-míŝkak wa-ḷaṭ yeẓ̂óubob ḷe-ŝiyáṭ kor aḷ-ľiẓ̂ẓ̂óḷ ‘When meat has been cooked and some (of it) is left from what has been eaten, it is strung on a wooden stick and roasted on the fire lest it gets spoiled’ (field notes)

морфологические примечания

3 sg. f. ẓ̂éboʰ


In the continental MSA, cf. Mhr. ẑəb ‘to become a little warm’, Jib. ẓ̂eb id. As far as Arabic is concerned, the readiest parallel from the semantic point is the variant root ḍby ‘to roast, to fry, to broil’. From the geminate root, cf. perhaps ḍabb- ‘anger, wrath, vecement rancor’, with a feasible meaning shift from “burning, heat”.