aˁdírir (yaˁdírir or yaˁdíror/ľaˁdírir)
basic morphological information

v. (RI)

to be(come) far, remote, to be put to flight, to be dispersed
отдаляться, быть обращённым в бегство, быть рассеянным
تبعّد، هُرِّبَ، نُثِرَ
Bulakh et al. 2021:256; CSOL III
text examples

a. tóˀo ṭérobk wa-ˀébded ménhi ŝɔb ebróḥoʰ di-ḥóʸhi énfeṭ ˁaf taˁdiróren érhon fáḥre ‘When I came down and it (the goat) felt my foot touch the ground, it snorted so that all the goats fled’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:256)

b. tóˀo hímaˁ ˁárho di-bánduḳ fer ḷe-ḥaʰ wa-ˀaˁdírir ‘When it (a raven) heard the sound of the rifle, he flew over there and disappeared’ (CSOL III 21:2)

c. wa-bésen sέrɛd ˁáfer di-maḷóṭhim férhɛ wa-ˀaḷ ˁíľɛm ṭérobk wa-ˀébded ménhi ŝɔb be-ḥóʸhi nέfiṭ ˁaf taˁdiróren ḥe érhon di-ḥóuḷob wa-di-ˀaḷ-ḥóuḷob ‘I went down from the tree, but when the kid felt the sound of the ground under my foot (= that I was approaching), it made a shrill sound and scattered my goats, those that were to be milked and those that were not to be milked’ (CSOL III 14:8)
