ḳóbiẓ̂ (yeḳobíẓ̂in/ľiḳábaẓ̂)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (II)

to tuck up one’s garment
подвернуть одежду
CSOL I 585; CSOL II 509; Naumkin et al. 2013a:75
الأمثلة النصية

a. wa-ˁod ˁag wa-ʸheʰ ber rézaḥ wa-ḳóbiẓ̂ ‘So the man set off. He was tired and had to roll up his gown’ (CSOL I 5:30)

b. tekánaḥ tefóred tfᵉrer seʰ men ḥaʰ wa-báraḥ deʰ be-ḥaḷf díˀɛʰ wa-ˀɛʰ bek ɛʰ nóhork ṭoḳ wa-seʰ teḳobíẓ̂in ‘You start to flee again, and she leaps from there and lands in the place where you are — and you have already gone further. Now, she moves quickly’ (CSOL II 18:8)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘To tuck up one’s garment’ (a).

‘To be in a hurry, to move quickly’ (b).

ملاحظات أخرى

The verb is commonly used as a token of heavy involvement in one’s affairs, running here and there in order to perform one’s duties, etc.
