Soqotri Lexicon
ḥódir (yeḥodírin/ľiḥádɛr)
basic morphological information
v. (II)
to put prickly branches on the top of a stone wall to make it impenetrable for livestock
класть колючие ветки на каменную ограду, чтобы домашние животные не могли перепрыгнуть через нее
وضع أغصان الأشجار على الحائط لمنع دخول الحيوانات أو خروجها
CSOL I 553
класть колючие ветки на каменную ограду, чтобы домашние животные не могли перепрыгнуть через нее
وضع أغصان الأشجار على الحائط لمنع دخول الحيوانات أو خروجها
text examples
ḥédork nɔ́fin bestán wa-ḥódirk ˁeʸh síˀirhin ˁaf yóuṭar ‘I set up for myself a palm-grove and put síˀirhin-timber atop the wall to make it impassable’ (CSOL I 8:19)
- ḥédor to build
- ḥᵃder to make build
- meḥédher gravestones
- ḥatédɛr or hotéder to be built in an excellent way
- ḥidére building
The Soqotri verb comes close to Mhr. ḥeḏūr ‘to build a thatched pen’, Jib. ḥɔ́ḏɔ́r ‘to build a thatched pen’. Their further etymology is uncertain. If related to Arb. ḥḏr ‘to be cautious, on guard’, the original meaning would be ‘to make precautions (to prevent livestock from climbing the walls)’. It remains to be clarified whether ḥódir is diacrhonically related to ḥédor ‘to build’, ḥóder ‘house’, eventually also ḥáder ‘small cave’.