المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (f)

body, shape
тело, форма
LS 118; CSOL II 468
الأمثلة النصية

wa-ḳö́ṭab meʸh ídhɛn di-žiféˀeʰ šerḳóḥoʰ meʸh géttaʰ fóľhi tóˀo ṣö́ṭaḷ meʸh ídhɛn ‘He cut a bit off one of the ears of the apparition, and its body appeared — a real calf, as soon as he had cut off the tip of its ear’ (CSOL II 7:10)

االشتياق اللغوي

Arabic loanword ǯuṯṯa- ‘(dead) body’ (Wehr 112, Behnstedt 166)