Сокотрийский словарь
erbhíyoʰ (du. erbiyóti, pl. érbhi)
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
ʸhéˁteʰ érbhi érbhi tóˀo te di-ʸhenö́we be-besatín wa-šérmhin wa-di-šérḳaḥ méʸhen eẓ̂ẓ̂éḷeʸh fáḥre ke-tɔ́mer ke-bíľeʰ di-šerḳóḥoʰ di-ˀóutɛ ‘The sixth (of Moses’s miracles) were the locusts, the locusts when they devoured everything planted in the gardens; and the trees and what grows on them, they destroyed utterly – whether it was dates or any other thing that grew and could be eaten’ (ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:542 (line 79))
From PS *ˀa/irbay- ‘locust’.
континентальные СЮЯ
- Mhr. ḥarbyēt locusts, cicads (coll.)
- Jib. ˀírbɔ́t locust; cicada (s. and coll.)
- Hrs. harbēt (pl. hárbi, rebáyten) cicada, locust