féde (yéfed/ľifdέ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (Ia)

to help, to provide abundantly
помогать, снабжать
Naumkin et al. 2016a:46
الأمثلة النصية

a. féde tho díˀʸho mudárras tóˀo kánaḥ yeḳabítin tho be-ḳáˁar ‘My teacher helped me, teaching me additionally at home’ (field notes)
b. féde tho ḥkómeʰ tóˀo ṭéfoʰ ḥe ḷedrós be-tɛr ‘My government supported me, giving me an opportunity to study abroad’ (field notes)

االشتياق اللغوي

Probably not identical with féde ‘to ransom, to set free’ in LS 333, which displays Arabic-like conjugational forms.

اللفات العربية الجنوبية القارية للحديثة
  • Mhr. fədō to recover, get back smth.; to ransom
  • Jib. fédé to ransom, to recover smth.