Soqotri Lexicon
ḳáre (yíḳar/ľiḳrέ)
text examples
a. wa-ʸheʰ ḳáre férhim wa-dóḥoš míˀšer wa-ḳáre meʸh ŝérhi ‘After he had hidden the girl, he flayed the goat and concealed its hide.’ (CSOL I 3:8)
morphological notes
perfect 3 sg. f. ḳáre
semantic notes
ḳáre nhɔfš ‘to pretend not to notice’:
ŝínik ˁag di-ˀaˁfírir wa-ˀérˁem tho ber ho di-ˀéẓ̂ẓ̂aḷk ˁey díˀʸheʰ bustán wa-ho ḳárik nɔ́fin waḷ-zégodk bey ‘I saw a man who got red in his face, (because he) suspected that I had destroyed his walled palm-grove. I pretended not to notice and paid no attention to him.’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:259)
Proto-MSA *ḳry to hide