Сокотрийский словарь
ḥteʰ (du. ḥtíti, pl. ḥtéten)
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
ˁaf tóˀo ftáḳḥo ḥteʰ šéˀef ṭad men ˁággi wa-ˀéṭḳaˁ be-ˀére ‘At midnight, one of the two men stretched out and stared at the moon.’ (CSOL I 4:18)
прочие примечания
In spite of the fact that the first consonant is now known to be *ḫ. Still, this circumstances prompts one to consider the possibility of comparing the Soqotri lexeme to PS *γṯy ‘to be dark,’ with secondary devoicing of *γ before t.” (Kogan 2015: 34).