Soqotri Lexicon
méḷaṭ (yemáḷaṭ/ľimḷáṭ)
basic morphological information
text examples
kaḷ ke mébrehe di-meḷáṭey ‘If it was a small child who plucked its hair’ (CSOL I 9:5)
morphological notes
pass. míľaṭ (yemóuḷaṭ/ľimḷóṭ):
ṣö́ḷobk óˀoz e-ˁeyyúg di-gédeḥ wa-ˀírɛm ŝérhi wa-ḳarére míľaṭ wa-nífaḥ ‘I slaughtered a goat for the men who had come to visit me. Then its skin was put into a mixture of water and ashes and on the next day plucked clean and inflated for drying’ (CSOL I 9:5)