Soqotri Lexicon
érbed (yerέbod/ľárbɛd)
basic morphological information
text examples
a. wa-ḷeṭ ŝíbɛb ḥotéˀe ḷe-díˀʸheʰ ḷe-ˁougénoʰ tóˀo egéˀes wa-ˀerbédes ‘Then the father was very sorry for his daughter, whom he had beaten and had blamed’ (CSOL II 6:20)
b. érbodk díˀʸho ḳáḳaʰ di-yéṣtet tiľfáz wa-ˀaḷ-yerágaˁ díˀʸheʰ durús ‘I reprimanded my brother, who is always watching TV and does not do his homework’ (CSOL II 6:20)
c. érbodk díˀʸho ˁouyέghɛn tóˀo yenáḥag wa-yóˁod ke-ˀembóryeʰ iľyáˁ di-yeḫázzanu wáľľa yeˁómer šámmaʰ ‘I chastized my son for running with a bad crowd and horsing around with them, those who chew qat or snuff’ (CSOL II 6:20)