v. (IV)
1. поднимать; 2. снимать (верхний слой)
رفع؛ كشف
a. wa-tóˀo šerkáḥki gedóḥoʰ nefḥóunoʰ wa-ˀeʸhέres raḥ wa-ˀouḳáshɛn wa-ˀéṣre ˁeʸh díˀʸheʰ kofíyyeʰ wa-ˀérge díˀʸheʰ ḷe-sáreng bɛˀέroʰ meʸh kerˁíľi ‘When we went up, a bit of breeze came, followed by wind and dust. The wind tore off his kufiyya and lifted his sarong so that his testicles showed up’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:272)
b. tóˀo ˁodk ḥádeb érgek ḷe-ˀóˀoben ṣetk óˀo eróḥoʰ tíriʰ wa-kések nḥaṭ óˀoben ḥóʸhi ḳéŝaˁ ‘As I was walking along the open country (after rain) I lifted a stone and looked where the water had reached, and I found that the soil under the stone was dry’ (field notes)
a. wa-ḷe-ˁóŝi yeróugɛ mérgehe di-ṣ̌ádher waľľá di-sferíyyeʰ ‘In the morning the layer of butter is removed and put into a pot or pan’ (CSOL II 2:26)
b. ˁámok deʰ ˁag di-dóḥoš deš óˀoz di-boḳ érge aḷ-kɔḷ ľidḥáš ˁímɛr inέm šébtet hek ˁámok šébtet énhi mɛs ḷe-ŝérhi tóˀo kíˀi beʸh réḳˁaʰ di-tɛʰ ‘I said: “The man who had flayed this goat has removed the upper layer (of meat). He does not know how to flay.” I was asked: “What have you noticed?” I said: “I have noticed that a piece of meat remained upon its skin”’ (field notes)
pass. ergö́we (yeróugɛ/ľirgó)
‘To lift something (ḷe-)’ (1a, b)
‘To remove skin together with meat while flaying an animaľ (2b)
- mérgehe boiled fresh butter (before clarifying)