ṣet (yéṣtet/ľiṣtát)
basic morphological information

v. (Ib)

to look
LS 156; CSOL I 654; CSOL II 587; Naumkin et al. 2015a:85
text examples

a. wa-di-yaˁseyéten yéṣtet dέnˁaʰ fáḥre ‘And Little Isa was watching all of this.’ (CSOL II 8:5)

b. ŝínik óˀoz di-ˁíggoʰ wa-ṭáhɛrk des wa-ṣetk inɛ́m ˁíggoʰ ‘I saw a goat who had just given birth. I went up to look what she had given birth to (a male or a female kid).’ (CSOL I 10:9)

c. dékom tho id-fɛ́ne ṭad wa-ʸheʰ ˁeẓ̂ ṣetk toʸh wa-ˁámok nɔ́fin aḷ-ˀegóbeš ‘Someone struck me in the face, and he was quite strong. I looked at him and said to myself: “I can’t beat him.”’ (CSOL I 17:13)

d. téṣtit karámme aḷ-ḳeḷéˁeš be-ˀö́bhon taˁtíbir ‘Now you’ll see if he doesn’t stone you. Look!’ (CSOL I 5:36–37)

e. ˁam aḷ-ṣetk men óˀoz  seʰ eʸhέroʰ ˁam seʰ ḥes ‘Why don't I look at the goat, to see whether or not it is still following?’ (CSOL I 2:40)

f. ḥérek ḷeṣtát men di-yezúˁa beʸh rího ‘I tried to look for something in which water can be carried.’ (CSOL II 23:32)

morphological notes

perfect 3 sg. f. ṣítoʰ

pass. ṣítɛt (yeṣóutot/ľiṣtót)

semantic notes

‘To look at somebody/something (direct object/object pronoun)’ (a, c).

‘To look at something in order to check (men)’ (e).

‘To look for something (men)’ (f).

other notes

ṣet tiľfáz ‘to watch TV’  (CSOL II 6:20)


From Proto-MSA *ṣtt ‘to watch’.

continental MSA