šker (yéšker/ľiškór)
basic morphological information

v. (I)

to be good, beautiful
быть хорошим, красивым
LS 416; CSOL I 659; CSOL II 593; Naumkin et al. 2015a:86
text examples

wa-séhen ˁážeʰ ˁemέroʰ díˀseʰ be-ḳáˁar bóḥor wa-ˁemέroʰ ḥaľát wa-ˀenẓ̂éfoʰ díˀseʰ be-ḳáˁar ˁaf téšker ḳáˁar ‘And the woman lit incense and aromas in her house and arranged everything to be nice’ (CSOL I 26:20)

other notes

di-šker ‘good’: 

ḥéyhe ḷaḷ yaˁágob ľaˁmέr nhɔfš tímhɛr di-ke-bóde yeḥóre men ḥaḷf di-šker wa-di-yešráḳaḥ beʸh rího ‘When somebody wants to plant for himself palm trees, first he looks for an appropriate plot where water is available’ (CSOL II 9:1)
