tébot (yetóbet/ľitbέt)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to be numerous, to be profuse, to flourish
быть многочисленным, обильным, процветать
نما، كثُر
LS 438; CSOL II 608
text examples

a. bek ˁámok ber aḷ-stóbet dítbaḥt be-zérag ‘Did I not say before that Ditbaḥt would not flourish in Zerag?’ (CSOL II 7:43)

b. ʸhónik nɔ́fin bidέn wa-ˀaḷ-šenfóˁoʰ wa-ˀaḷ-tebέtoʰ ‘I planted for myself an Indian almond, but it did not go well, it did not flourish’ (CSOL II 9:23)

  • tébet to flourish, to persist