v. (I)
причинять боль
a. tóˀo ékobk hóhon ḷe-tɛr di-dímeʰ sᵉre ḥe óˀoben di-ŝɔb wa-tḥar fe ‘While I was entering the sheep pen, a stone fell upon my foot and I was hurt’ (Naumkin et al. 2016b:65)
b. ksek bᵉˁer di-sírɛk wa-tḥar beʸh be-ŝábi ‘I found a camel that was tethered and he was hurt (by the ropes) on its legs’ (CSOL I 8:51)
c. tḥar bes ˁážeʰ ken bᵉˁer ‘A woman was hurt by a camel’ (CSOL I 8:51, fn. 10)
d. nö́botk tímhɛr ˁaf yétḥor fe be-ˀídi men íˀľɛb ‘I was pollinating palm trees and my hands hurt from the thorns’ (CSOL I 28:21)
The verb is used impersonally, in 3 sg. m. only. The experiencer is introduced by be- (a). A second be- can optionally indicate the place where the pain is felt (b, d). The source of pain is introduced by ken (c) or men (d) (CSOL I 674).
- tḥer to cause pain