te (yíte/ľitέ)
basic morphological information

v. (I)

1. to eat; 2. to enjoy, to consume (wealth)
есть; потреблять, использовать (богатство)
LS 440; CSOL I 679; CSOL II 613; Naumkin et al. 2015a:89; Bulakh 2024:221
text examples

1. deʰ beˁér di-te men ḥaʰ ˁóuhɛr ‘The camel that ate here is one-eyed’ (CSOL I 17:28)

2. der ḥánˀeʰ wa-ˀézˁem díˀʸheʰ ke-ˁážeʰ wa-te díˀʸheʰ men mɛľ wa-ḳoténe díˀʸheʰ men mɛľ ‘He continued on, staying with his wife and living off his wealth, enjoying his wealth’ (CSOL I 25:75)

morphological notes

pass. we (yóutɛ/ľitó)

  • tɛʰ meat
  • to feed; to suckle
  • éte to be given milk (a baby or a goat kid); to be able to be suckled (a baby or a goat kid)
  • šte to be eatable
  • téyhi predator

From Proto-MSA *twy ‘to eat’.

continental MSA