a. sɛrέd še bɛr óˀoz mέḷḥeʰ di-ˁéyyek ḷeŝkέfš wa-ʸheʰ yefóred tέrirk heš be-ˁaḷf di-ˀékše ˁaf yegnén wa-yíte díˀʸheʰ ke-bíyyoʰ wa-kέbik ˁeʸh ˁaf éḷoy beʸh wa-ŝkofk toʸh ‘I used to have a kid born of a house-goat, and I needed to block its mouth to stop it from suckling, but it always fled. So I lured it with some food (branches of the ékše-tree). When it bent down and started to eat together with its mother, I crept up to it, caught it and put the blocking stick into its mouth’ (CSOL I 18:37)
b. wa-kέbik ˁaf aˀáraḥ meʸh ḷe-dέfɛʰ ˁádfork heʸh be-ˁíbhɛḷ ḥéḷɛf wa-tóˀo ébraḥ beʸh náṭaˁ men boḳ-náˁaʰ ˁaf yaˀáẓ̂aˁ wa-yoˀóbeg di-ˁáḳľihin ‘I crept after it until I was beside it, and then I hurled a sharp piece of flint at it. When the flint hit it, it collapsed and tumbled back downhill, bouncing over sharp stones’ (CSOL III 10:23)
c. ḥérek men sέrɛd díˀʸho di-yefóred wa-ksek toʸh rö́baẓ̂ wa-kέbik ˁeʸh ‘I was looking for a goat kid of mine which was prone to running away. Eventually, I found it lying on the ground and started to sneak up to it’ (CSOL I 24:20)
d. éḳdomk míˀšer táḥrɛr be-dέfɛʰ di-ˁésreʰ ˁámok ḷóˀo bɛʰ aḷ-ˀegárrab ˁasέ éḷoy beʸh gédaḥk toʸh men ḷéḥe wa-ʸheʰ aḷ-ŝíni tho wa-kέbik ˁeʸh ˁaf ešˀókiš énṭen ‘I saw a semi-wild male goat near a grove. I said: “Why don't I try, perhaps I will seize it!” I came to it from behind, and it did not see me, and I stole to it until I approached it a little bit’ (Naumkin et al. 2013b:550)
‘To creep up to somebody (ḷe-)’: (a, c, d)