n. (m.)
промежуток времени, назначенное время; мера; количество
1. wa-ˁeyyúg be-mákon etḥazzému ḷe-ḥoz di-wáˁda ‘Now the men in the Makon were awaiting the time of this meeting’ (CSOL I 2:34)
a. éṣbeḥ έˀɛfo wa-kúľľema di-gédaḥ ri wa-zéḷaḳ wa-déḷaḳ rího biľá ḥoz wa-biľá ḳiyás ‘The people also came there in the morning, and everybody who came drank and took away water, for it was plentiful: limitless and immeasurable’ (CSOL I 7:21)
b. šéḳreẓ̂ kãʸh ḥoz di-genóunoʰ ‘He borrowed from him the amount of one sack (of grain)’ (field notes)
a. wa-díˀʸho be-ḥaḷf íno ḥoz di-ẓ̂áˀteʰ merέŝi wa-ˀíno méʸhen ḷe-ˁóber di-ṭoḳ ḥoz di-ˀerbóˁoʰ merέŝi ‘And in my place there are three houses, and there are also a few houses on the other side, four in number’ (Bulakh 2024:214)
b. wa-záˁak toʸh wa-ˁérofk hes men ḳáneʰ di-ḳat ḥoz di-ʸhóbiˁ marrát ‘I took it (a broken clay pot) and drew with it (some water) for her (for the cow) from the reservoir, seven times’ (ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:552)