basic morphological information

n. (f.)

large centipede (Scolopendra valida)
большая многоножка (Scolopendra valida)
أم أربع وأربعين
CSOL I 565; ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:551; Wranik 2003:254, 515
morphological notes

dim. maḥaṣounέnoʰ (pl. maḥaṣounihinítin)

other notes

di-ḥaṣáhon ‘large centipede (Scolopendra valida)’: dómik díˀʸho be-ḳáˁar ḷe-ḫáľfeʰ wa-gedóḥoʰ di-ḥaṣáhon ḷe-ḫáľfeʰ wa-ˀébdodk tóˀo tóˁod ḷe-ṭádaˁ díˀʸho di-ḳamíṣ ‘While I was sleeping in my house near the window, a centipede came through the window and I felt it creep along my shirt’ (CSOL I 18:42)
