المعجم السقطري
ḥanḳ (du. ḥánḳi, pl. ḥínoḳ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
1. érḳaḥ men díˀʸheʰ kumár ḥanḳ di-ˀédaḳ ‘He took from his belt a heavy necklace’ (CSOL II 30:18)
2. nebóten ˁaf ˁamḳ di-šɔm ľísoʰ mέsɛ ˁaf yeṣráyḳiḳ rího ḷe-ḥanḳ di-tímhɛr ‘We were pollinating (our palm-trees), but in the middle of the day it rained until water was pouring down onto the crowns of the palms’ (CSOL II 30:38)
الملاحظات الصرفية
dim. ḥóunaḳ