ḥaḷf (du. ḥáḷfi, pl. ḥíľof or áḥḷof)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (m.)

1. place; 2. trace; 3. distance; 4. female inflorescence
место; след; расстояние; женское соцветие
LS 177; CSOL I 556; CSOL II 476; Naumkin et al. 2015a:70
الأمثلة النصية

1. šḥᵃréboʰ díˀseʰ men ḥaḷf wa-ˀedέfoʰ ˁeʸh ‘She leapt to him from her place and caught him’ (CSOL II I:148)

2. káno fe ˁarẓ̂híyoʰ be-ˀéˀed wa-ˁámok dor di-ˀímtɛ ˁes wa-térofk wa-báˁad-aḷ térofk kíˀi mes ḥaḷf ‘I had a skin disease on my hand. I applied the sap of the imte-tree to it, and I recovered; but a mark remained’ (CSOL I 8:43)

3. wa-deʰ ḥaḷf di-ˁádeʸh ˁag men maˁábaẓ̂ ˁaf boḳ di-ri di-zerekéno yaˀáraḥ ḥoz di-sitt saˁát áˁdeʰ di-ŝérhon men maˁábeẓ̂ ˁaf ri di-zerekéno ‘And the distance that the man walked, from Maʿabez to the top of Zerekeno, amounted to six hours of walking, six hours from Maʿabez to Zerekeno on foot’ (CSOL II 23:36)

4. nö́bot íľʸheʰ tímhɛr men ḳaṭhéten kúľľe ḥaḷf yaˁáḳaḷ beʸh men ʸhéˀteʰ wa-men ʸhébˁeʰ aˁṣáboʰ di-nέbot ‘In the summer, he pollinated his date palms, placing six or seven male inflorescences in each female blossom’ (CSOL I 2:26)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘Place of residence’: ˁemέroʰ óˁod šek díˀɛʰ di-ḥaḷf ‘She said: “I will go with you to your country”’ (CSOL I 1:56).

‘Country’: ḳabľ sabˁ sanawát estɛľíkin ḷe-ˀáḥḷof di-déḷeḳ tóˀo ṭaháren rúsiya ‘Seven years ago we passed many countries on our way to Russia’ (Bulakh 2024:164)

ملاحظات أخرى

Also pronounced as ḥaf: wa-ḥaf di-ˁeẓ̂ ‘And this is a hard land’ (Bulakh 2024:207)
