Soqotri Lexicon
žed (du. žídi, pl. žéyod)
basic morphological information
text examples
a. bédeˀk men maḥzízi έzik tóʸhi wa-ḳö́ṭabk méʸhi žed kor yešabóḥoʰ ‘I began with the neck segments, separated them and severed the tendon to make them lie flat.’ (CSOL I 18:43)
b. be-kúľľeʰ be-ẓ̂aḷˁ yešráḳaḥ meʸh néŝyes ṭéṭho tóˀo žed gémed ḷébhon ‘Then things like splinters appeared from each side, like this, similar to tendons, solid and white.’ (CSOL I 18:43)
From PS *gīd- ‘tendon, sinew’.
continental MSA
- Jib. z̃éd vein, artery