Soqotri Lexicon
text examples
wa-ˁö́mor aˀḥ dédoʰ aḷ-ḥeb ho erábaḥ ‘The boy said: “Oh uncle, do I have really have to bathe too?”’ (CSOL I 19:42)
other notes
ḥeb ḷe- ‘even if’:
aḷ-ˁúmor hek bíľeʰ kaḷ ḥᵃzez wa-ḳéẓ̂hir... men ḥaʰ id-ḥaʰ ḥeb keʰ bíŝi šek bíľeʰ ‘Nobody will say to you anything but “Welcome!” - here and everywhere, even if you have nothing in your possession.’ (CSOL II 4:34)
di-ḥeb ‘even if’:
di-ḥeb mέsɛ wa-ʸheʰ mέsɛ yedéher wa-yeḥorémenš ‘Even if there is rain - a real rain! - they belittle or deny it.’ (CSOL II 5:19)
ḥeb keʰ bɛ ‘even if’:
eboḷégʸhen di-ḳáneʰ di-béstan di-fuľán kor aḷ-ľáˁʸhef ḥeb keʰ bɛ yeḳóẓ̂eˁ ‘I will put them (the calves) in the palm grove of such-and-such a man so they don’t get lost, even if they do damage his trees.’ (CSOL II 24:12g)