féraṭ (yefáraṭ/ľifráṭ)
to cut
CSOL I 538; Naumkin et al. 2013b:543
text examples

ḳö́ṣafk ˁábher tóˀo ṭáhɛrk di-ḳáˁar gédaḥ ṭad wa-féraṭ ˁábher le-ˁamḳ ‘I cut down a tree. When I came home, somebody came (to the tree) and cut the trunk in the middle’ (Naumkin et al. 2013b:543)


Cf. Akkadian parāṭu ‘abreißen, abräumen’ (AHw. 832; cf. CAD P 180 ‘to serve a meal’), Syriac praṭ ‘discidit’ (LSyr. 595) or, alternatively, Jibbali fɔ́rɔ́ḏ̣ ‘to separate vertebrae from one another’ (JL 59).

continental MSA
  • Mhr. fәrōṭ to slip out of one's hands; to go off without one