férod (yefóred/ľifrέd)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to flee
LS 341; CSOL I 536; CSOL II 457
text examples

a. aḷ-ˁad ˁag šébde heʸh ˁes wa-férod men díˀʸheʰ ḳáˁar ‘He could no longer lie to her, and he fled from his house.’ (CSOL II 13:25);

b. fέˀɛsk ḷe-ṭad ḷe-ˁábher wa-ˀaḷ-ṭʸaf ḥe wa-be-ľéľhe kášaḥk toy wa-férodk bey ‘I asked (the community for permission to cut down) a tree? but it was not granted to me. Then I cut it down during the night and fled with it’ (CSOL II 1:140);

c. wa-šerḳóḥo férhim gáḥľeľ ˁaf tebóre bíro múgšem ‘And the girl turned out to be pregnant, and gave birth to a boy’ (CSOL I 16:16).

semantic notes

‘To flee together with (be-)’: example b; ‘to flee from somebody (ˁan)’: example c.

Proto-MSA *prd to flee in panic
continental MSA
  • Mhr. fәrōd to stampede, to panic; to make off, to run away
  • Jib. férɔ́d to stampede, panic; to make off, to run away