Soqotri Lexicon
dö́fon (yedófen/ľidfέn)
text examples
a. wa-ˁö́mor héʸhen íno ˁouyέghɛn di-gédaḥ tan di-ḥaʰ wa-ṣáme wa-ḳebórenš ‘And he would say: “Indeed there was a boy who came to us, but he died and we buried him”’ (CSOL II 30:16)
b. yeḥóḷeb díˀʸheʰ érhon di-ˀeftóˀoʰ wa-yesód be-fḥam di-ŝiyáṭ wa-yegóḷef erẓ̂éfoʰ di-ŝḥaf wa-yetáḳob wa-yaḥᵃrér be-ṣáfror di-ṣóubehɛr ˁaf yemóḷe díˀʸheʰ kɛ́ybehen wa-ḷaṭ dö́fon ‘He milked his goats into pots that he put on the embers of the fire. Then he took the skin off the milk, collected it and boiled it with the flowers of the ṣ.-plant until this filled a large jug, which he buried’ (CSOL I 2:25)