Soqotri Lexicon
bámbeʰ (pl. benóbhin)
basic morphological information
text examples
a. wa-yeˁúmor beʸh ṭaḳíḳ di-šeˁír waľľá írhɛz waľľá ṭaḳíḳ di-bámbeʰ we-yeˁúḳaḷ ˁaf ľibhóḷ yenóutog yéken ḥámˀiʰ ‘Then coarsely ground barley or rice or millet is added, and this is left until ready. Then it is removed from the fire. This is clarified butter’ (CSOL II 2:27)
b. έˀɛfo fɔ́ne tóˀo bíŝi eḳníyoʰ yeʸhóne benóbhin ‘People in earlier times, when there was no food (imported from abroad), were planting finger millet’ (Bulakh 2024:143)