Soqotri Lexicon
baḥmírhɛr in di-baḥmírhɛr (du. di-baḥmirέri, pl. iľ-baḥmírhɛr)
basic morphological information
kind of bird (Bruce’s green pigeon)
вид птицы (желтобрюхий плодовый голубь)
نوع من الطير
LS 161 (metathesis); CSOL I 512; Wranik 2003:507
вид птицы (желтобрюхий плодовый голубь)
نوع من الطير
text examples
boˁóren báˁad taẓ̂ímoʰ neḥóre men iľ-baḥmírhɛr wa-tóˀo ekö́ben ḳáryaʰ eḳdómen iľ-baḥmírhɛr di-ṣéṭar be-témreʰ di-ˁíľoʰ ‘After the dinner we went to look for iľ-baḥmírhɛr-birds. When we entered a palm-grove we saw some of them which were sitting on a tall palm-tree’ (Naumkin et al. 2013b:555)
other notes
di-baḥmírhɛr is a name of a bird species which was described by the informants as follows: “a kind of bird which is found in abundance in the central part of Soqotra, especially in palm-groves, of size of a dove, with a yellow belly and yellowish-green feathers in the upper part of body, whose meat is delicious”