máˁazhɛḷ (du. maˁazέḷi, pl. máˁazhoḷ)
basic morphological information

n. (m.)

1. spinning; 2. spindle; 3. cervical vertebra
1. прядение; 2. веретено; 3. шейный позвонок
LS 304; CSOL I 506; Naumkin et al. 2013a:76-77
text examples

1. titóˀoʰ ˁážeʰ díˀseʰ máˁazhɛḷ ‘The woman finished her spinning’ (CSOL I 29:22)

2. teˁóziľ be-di-máˁazhɛḷ ŝef di-ˀérhon ‘Spin with your spindle the goats’ hair’ (CSOL I 29:20)

3. tóˀo ˁeŝk menáḷ dómik éẓ̂aḥk máˁazhɛḷ be-sabáb deš maˁmídoʰ di-ŝíbib ‘When I woke up from the sleep, my neck started to hurt me because of that large pillow’ (Naumkin et al. 2013a:76–77)

morphological notes

máˁazhɛḷ or di-máˁazhɛḷ (in the meanings ‘spindle’ and ‘cervical vertebra’)
