ˁómiḳ (yeˁomíḳin/ľiˁámaḳ)
basic morphological information

v. (II)

to reach the middle
достигать середины
وصل إلى الوسط
CSOL I 493
text examples

a. ḷaḷ tebéten ber ˁamíḳoʰ ẓ̂aˁ mes farsíti maḥžiľóti taˁámer ‘When you see that the goat’s shoulders are even with the threshold, say...’ (CSOL I 2:37)

b. ḥfor ˁag ˁö́bhor ˁaf yeˁomíḳin báˁi šérḳaḥ rího ‘A man was digging a well. When he reached a depth of two fathoms, water started to appear’ (CSOL I 2:36)

semantic notes

 ‘To reach something (direct object) with something (direct object)’. 

Proto-MSA *ˁamḳ- middle
continental MSA