óˀorem, órem (du. orími or órmi, pl. érhɛm or έrhem)
basic morphological information

n. (f.)

LS 75; CSOL I 477; CSOL II 393; Naumkin et al. 2015a:58
text examples

a. aḷ-ˁad ˁaf yɛˀɛróḥoʰ ṭaḥ neŝɛ́roʰ óˀorem ‘As soon as they reached the shore, she left him behind on the road’ (CSOL I 1:58)

b. ḳéšodk óˀorem ‘I walked by road’ (CSOL II 3:5)

c. éraḥk bin tri orími wa-ˀaḷ ˁérobk mɔn méʸhi di-šéˀke di-ḥadíbo wa-ríˀišk ˁag di-kések ˁámok mɔn men orími di-šéˀke di-ḥadíbo ˁö́mor έhɛ deš ‘I reached a fork in the road and did not know which way would bring me more quickly to Hadibo. I found a man and asked him. I said: “Which of the two roads will bring me more quickly to Hadibo?” He said: “That one”’ (CSOL I 2:22)

semantic notes

Also used with the meaning ‘way, manner, behaviour’: ŝínkɛk áḷḷaʰ ber íno šek órem wa-ḥíľeʰ ‘Thank you, God, for you have your way and your tricks!’ (Bulakh 2024:173)

Proto-MSA *ˀarVm-/*ˀarm- road
continental MSA