éľeľ (du. iľíľi, pl. éḷhoḷ)
basic morphological information

n. (m.)

female kid goat
LS 231; CSOL I 473; CSOL II 388
text examples

a. ˁámok e-díˀʸho bɛ́bɛʰ óˀoz feľánaʰ ŝink tos ˁíggoʰ éľeľ ˁö́mor méḷokk ˁámok méḷokk ‘I said to my father: “I saw that such-and-such a goat gave birth to a female kid.” He said: “Are you sure?” I said: “I’m sure”’ (CSOL I 10:9)

b. wa-diľáḳoʰ ke-ˁag érhon aˁyégen érhon men trɔ iľíľi ‘And the man’s goats became plentiful. The goats were even giving birth to female twins!’ (CSOL II 13:34)

morphological notes

Grammatically masculine, although designating a female animal.


Etymologically uncertain, for a tentative comparison with PS *laˀlaˀ- ‘kid’ see Naumkin et al. 2016b:58.