a. šérḳaḥk ker ḥarf tóˀo ḷáḳdɛm ˁes óˁod be-rέfɛʸh wa-tóˀo ḷáḷaṭ ˁans di-naṣf wa-ḷestáḫľef tos éšoˁ ‘I went climbing up the slope. Whenever I could see her, I went slowly, but whenever I was apart from her, whenever she could not see me, I ran’ (CSOL II 17:16)
a. ḷeṭ ʸheʰ éʸhor wa-ˁeḷɛ́boʰ ˁážeʰ díˀseʰ ˁeyyúg fáḥre taľátaʰ méʸhen ˁeḷɛbótšen ‘He followed them, in his turn, and in the end the woman castrated them all—each of the three she castrated.’ (CSOL I 1:31)
a. nö́botk tímhɛr ˁaf yétḥor fe be-ˀídi men íˀľɛb di-tímhɛr wa-ḷeṭátoʰ ídi aḷ-ˁedɛ́toʰ eḳrɛymemétoʰ wa-ˀaḷ-ˁedɛ́toʰ šebáḥtoʰ ‘I was pollinating palm trees and my hands hurt from the thorns. They couldn’t close or open.’ (CSOL I 28:21)
a. fɔ́ne érem έˀɛfo yegódem éẓ̂ˀed ... wa-náˁaʰ ḷeṭ ˁésen érwaḥ wa-ˀaˁɛṣír gedemésen ˁaf stetéˀen ‘In former times people used to cut Ziziphus spina-christi trees ..., but now the winds and hurricanes started to act instead of them and broke them (the trees) all till they disappeared’ (Bulakh 2024:113)