v. (I)
быть добрым, милосердным
a. aḷ-seʰ meʸh mefnón gemáľeʰ sɛfíroʰ di-ˁabd-eľ-kóri kor yeróben ˁeʸh di-ˀaḷ-ḥéẓ̂a be-gubľán be-ˁaferéten ‘It is not a good thing for Mefnon to travel to Abd-el-Kuri to be driven by merciless people among the red mountains’ (CSOL III 11:1)
b. ˁamok yɔʰ géšɛḷk díˀɛʰ ḥumáraʰ ˁö́mor yɔʰ aḷ-díˀʸho ˁamok ken deʰ bɛʰ náṭin aḷ-ḥéẓ̂aˀk ˁes wa-ľákin ḷaˁmírin hek keḷémoʰ ˁö́mor inέm ˁad áḷḷaʰ yúʸhork deʰ ḷe-nέfaˁ di-ḥaʰ ‘I said to him: “Eh, you’re going to break your donkey!” He said: “It’s not mine.” I said: “That’s why you show it no pity. But let me say to you one little word.” And he said: “What is that?” I said: “God will follow through with you for this deed of yours”’ (CSOL III 11:1)
c. aˁágob ḷaḥẓ̂á ḷe-ḥéyhe wa-di-ˁan ḷegtézɛ ḷaḷ eʸhámaˁ be-ṭad di-kánoʰ šeʸh bíľeʰ tóˀo di-ˀéžˀḥer wáľľa mot ‘I prefer to be kind toward people – I almost cry when I hear something bad has happened to somebody, be it disease or death’ (CSOL III 11:1)