a. em-báˁad ḥaʰ ḷaṭ ḥéṭab ˁag ṭírob wa-ˀaḷ-ˁad béḷog ˁaf yaˁámer triʰ ḥamľíti di-ṭírob ‘Then the man went to collect firewood, and after a while he managed to stack two piles of firewood’ (CSOL III 3:6)
b. ḷaḷ yaˁágob έˀɛfo ṭírob yeḥóṭeb yoˁómer ḥámľeʰ wa-ḷaṭ yezóneg di-ḳáˁar wa-ľhɛg yoˁómer ḥimáḷhen wa-ŝouˀómen ḷe-ˀέˀɛfo ‘When people need firewood, they go to collect it: they make a bundle and then carry it home on their backs. And there are other people who make many bundles, which are then sold to people’ (CSOL III 3:6)
c. tóbirk méʸhen ṭírob di-ˀéṣyhaḷ ˁaf aˁámer triʰ ḥamľíti gédaḥ tho múgšem wa-kse še triʰ amľíti ‘I broke up some excellent kindling until I had two piles. Then a boy came to me and found the two piles with me’ (CSOL III 3:6)
An Arabism.