v. (IV)
ˁömóren ẓ̂ayέfɛ wa-ˀéghem tan ˁag éľľehe édhom di-tíľheľ id-módhir wa-tóˀo eróḥo ˁamḳ di-módhir etnáyyeẓ̂ mes ḥes men ṭay di-ˀedróˀo wa-šédre men έˀɛfo keḷóˀo be-ˀenˁáyreher wa-tḥófer ḥóyhi díˀse be-dí-ˀed wa-ˁeḳáḷo ľíššin be-ḥóyhi bíŝi di-gésor ľiḳrób idés kor ḥóuzoz ṭeḷéḳ ṭad men ḷe-ḥa raṣáṣa tóˀo himóˁo mes ˁárho éḳre men ḥa ˁaf toˀókeb íˀitin wa-faṣíṣo έˀɛfo men ˁamḳ di-módhir wa-tóˀo ḳaríb tegóhoz yháḷaḥ ˁag ḷáfi wa-ˀéyhor mes wa-šaˁbéres di-fáˁam wa-ˀédof mes ḷe-tíľheľ wa-ḥeṣáḳes ˁaf báraḥ ḷe-dέfɛ wa-ˀébraḥ ˁes έˀɛfo wa-ḥizízo ‘We were preparing a feast, and one man brought a red cow with a white-tipped tail to us, to the slaughtering place. When the cow reached the slaughtering place, it went mad from the smell of the blood and got frightened by the people. It bellowed and began to rake the ground with its front leg, and it dropped its tongue down onto the ground – nobody could approach the cow to slaughter it. Then somebody somewhere nearby fired a shot. When the cow heard that sound, it jumped so high it hit the sky and scattered everybody from the slaughtering place. As the cow was about to escape, one strong fellow lept out of the crowd and went after the cow, seizing it by the upper part of the hind leg and grabbing the tip of its tail. And he wrestled the cow down until it fell to the ground on its side, and people jumped on it, and at last it was slaughtered’ (CSOL III 14:17)