Сокотрийский словарь
éḳren (yeḳáron/ľáḳrɛn)
базовые морфологические сведения
v. (IV)
to manufacture horn objects
изготавливать вещи из рога
صنع أدوات من قرن
изготавливать вещи из рога
صنع أدوات من قرن
текстовые примеры
ˁag ṣáyhaˁ di-ˁégeb ľikέb mey ˁárho saḳɔ́ṭri wa-yešˁaľíyin ḷaḷ yeṣáyhaˁ wa-yeḳáron éṣrehɛ yenoḳíšin ḷe-ḳɔn di-ṣáre wa-yaˁámer ˁey ṣfíḥa ṭey men ˁáľɛ wa-ke ˁégeb ṭey men ľéḥe wa-yenoḳíšin díˀyhe ḷe-ḳɔn men ṭoḳ wa-men bo ‘If a craftsman wants his fame to spread over Soqotra and is proud, then when he produces a knife and makes a horn handle for it, he’ll make a carving on the horn, and he’ll put a metal band around the upper part of the handle (close to the blade) and may choose to put another around the lower part of the handle, and he’ll put metal bits (inlay) in the handle here and there’ (CSOL III 13:16)
- ḳɔn horn